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About us

The Department of Surgery has been active since 1 November 2022 and is the result of the merger of the Pietro Valdoni Department of Surgery and the Department of Surgical Sciences, inheriting their long and qualifying activities in the field of surgery, values that began in 1904, when Prof Francesco Durante transferred his surgical activity to the newly inaugurated Policlinico Umberto I. The current new departmental organization has allowed for a better operational articulation, a more congruous structural distribution and a definitive functional destination of the structural-diagnostic-therapeutic complexes in relation to the activity of the Divisions and Services.


Current Director of the Department of Surgery is the Prof. Enrico Fiori





The Roman Surgical School, from which the Department of Surgery originates, recognizes among its founders Francesco Durante, Roberto Alessandri, Raffaele Paolucci, Pietro Valdoni and Paride Stefanini. The Surgery Department wants to inherit the values and professionalism that have characterized the work of those who have followed one another in the structures of the Pietro Valdoni Surgery Department and the Department of Surgical Sciences over the years and in particular in the figures of their Directors.





Prof. Enrico Fiori
Tel. (+39) 06 4992182


Responsabile Amministrativo Delegato Universitario
Dott. Piero Manganini
Tel. (+39) 06 4997221


Responsabile Amministrativo Delegato Aziandale
Dott. Stefano Lazzarini


Segreteria di Direzione
Sig.ra Manuela de Martino
Tel. (+39) 06 4997209
Sig.ra Rossella Trima
Tel. (+39) 06 49972162